It’s funny (not really) that it has been about a year and a half since I first posted this, but somehow, I find myself up in the middle of the night fretting over THE. EXACT. SAME. THING!

This time, the story involves Legos, an architect, a preacher, an ipad, the same 3 little boys and stained glass…I’ll let you put that puzzle together.  The details are a little different, the people are different, there is no blood involved this time (thank God!) – but the theme is the same: When I fix my eyes on the opinion of people, not only will I never be good enough, but it will actually keep me from functioning in my normal capacity. But when my eyes are on Jesus… “I can walk in a way that is pleasing to Him”.

So read, get a little freer and remember: no matter how free we get, the enemy is just lurking…always lurking, waiting for us to look away…

“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame…” Hebrews 12:2

Life Outside the Boat

I know, I know, definitely not an original topic for a gal to write about. But the thing is, there is a reason why we see it so often. It is because we feel it so often. Every single human being suffers at some point from some form of it. Insecurity.

We were born into this legacy of questioning our identity and ultimately questioning God’s identity. But I am so thankful that God orchestrated a way for us to be free. He sent Jesus to take back the power that the enemy stole on the day he slithered into our existence.

I am all too familiar with what it is like to be riddled with self-doubt. It wasn’t long ago that everything I did, every decision, every action, every opinion I had was based on the opinions of others. From clothes, to houses, to parenting, to cars, to responses – everything…

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